Smith Training Seminars
Train your Dog the Natural Way
With over 80 collective years of experience guiding, trialing, and training, Rick and Ronnie Smith believe “you have to think like a dog to successfully train a dog.” This natural approach to training is effective with all dogs, no matter the discipline or breed. The Smith’s focus and passion happens to be upland bird dogs. Their life’s work has been based on a love and respect for bird dogs and they are dedicated to understanding natural canine instincts and psychology. The training system developed by the Smiths enables people at all levels of proficiency and knowledge to have a better bird dog and to build a better relationship with their bird dog. Whether you are looking for a companion dog that you can take hunting on the weekends or a field trial champion, this training format will benefit you. Start with the Foundation Level and follow the Smith’s training steps to a confident finished bird dog.
Guaranteed If You’re Not Happy, You Don’t Pay! If, at any time during the seminar or after, you are not completely satisfied, simply ask for a refund and it will be given, no questions asked.
First come~ First serve on the seminars… we are starting to have spots reserved in each of them at this time. Don’t delay… Contact us today to join in on these great seminar opportunities!

Training Seminars
Foundation Seminar
If you are looking for a better relationship with your dog, both at home and in the field, you've come to the right place. From puppyhood through the basics of being a bird dog, all the basic skills you and your dog will need can be found here. You will be trained to train your dog , with Rick and Ronnie's guidance. You'll work with the Command Lead, check cord, and whoa post, as well as the chain. Your dog will have numerous opportunities to work birds. Building points of contact to train with our mechanical devices.
Intermediate Seminar
If your dog has the foundation prepared and you’re ready for the new challenge, sign up for the intermediate Seminar! You will work one-on-one with your instructor on live pigeons in field conditions. This will help you work out any basic problems you’ve been having, as well as providing your dog with numerous opportunities to hunt. The camaraderie, support, and fun helps everybody learn, and you’ll be amazed at the difference these finishing touches can make. Don’t miss this! Stimulating the point of contact that has been introduced in the foundation seminar into a remote queing with an e-collar.
Advanced Academy
Our Advanced Seminar takes the lessons learned in the Foundation and Intermediate Seminar and applies the final touches to your bird dog’s basic education. It’s at this level that we are able to transition all cues to the neck and finish steadying up our dogs on game. We will be transitioning from pigeons to quail. This seminar will show you how to finish our your dog to a nice polish. The agenda for this seminar will fluctuate according to the level and proficiency of each class. To be ready for this seminar, your dog should be standing steady on his game and be at the cusp of learned behavior. Your dog may already have the collar on the neck and just need a little additional work to be his best or he may have the collar still on the flank but be ready to transition to the neck.
Handlers Clinic
There are no prior seminars required for this clinic although it would be best to have an understanding about the silent command system of training. Rick will be working with each person to enhance the training that you have to best handle your dog. The seminar will be tailored to the needs brought forth with the individuals within the group. 4-10 persons in the clinic to ensure personalized attention to all participants. Please feel free to contact Rick Smith @ (804)784-3882 for questions about the clinic.
Summer Training Sessions
All classes will be at least 2 hours long or will maintain until we can end each student on a successful note.
Each lesson will have at least 2 trainers and possibly up to 4 trainers working together to keep everyone engaged. We will run each class in small group sessions with some yard work training or problem spot work and then some bird fun.
Cost- $60 per dog for instruction time and 2 birds. (If more birds are needed to make your dog successful that will be an additional charge)
Please contact us if you have any questions. We can handle a few walk-ins, but prefer for you to let us know if you are attending so that we can have help and birds lined up for the day.
Summer Schedule: TBA
June – Puppy/ Foundation (10-12) & Intermediate/ Advanced (1-3)
July – Intermediate/ Advanced (10-12) & Puppy/ Foundation (1-3)
August – Puppy/ Foundation (10-12) & Intermediate/ Advanced (1-3)
September – Intermediate/ Advanced (10-12) & Puppy/ Foundation (1-3)

Puppy/Foundational Training
Young dogs need the opportunity of exposure to birds in the field to develop their inherent prey drive. At the beginning of training the dog may require a month of PUPPY DEVELOPMENT. This ensures a young dog is excited about birds and has learned the basics of how to utilize his instincts. This level elevates the dog’s intensity of prey drive and readies them for the formal stages of training.
The FOUNDATION LEVEL begins formal training by establishing Points of Contact on the neck and flank. Through the use of the points of contacts conditioned responses are taught, thus shaping behavior or in some cases re-shaping undesired behavior. This is also when work is begun on the dog’s natural retrieve.
We introduce the pups to the chain gang, command lead, the long line and birds, birds, birds. The one big bonus for the pups on this group session is that they are building prey drive by watching the other pups work through the field and seeing the birds fly in front of them from each pup that is working.
Intermediate/Advanced Training
Young dogs need the opportunity of exposure to birds in the field to develop their inherent prey drive. At the beginning of training the dog may require a month of PUPPY DEVELOPMENT. This ensures a young dog is excited about birds and has learned the basics of how to utilize his instincts. This level elevates the dog’s intensity of prey drive and readies them for the formal stages of training.
The FOUNDATION LEVEL begins formal training by establishing Points of Contact on the neck and flank. Through the use of the points of contacts conditioned responses are taught, thus shaping behavior or in some cases re-shaping undesired behavior. This is also when work is begun on the dog’s natural retrieve.
We introduce the pups to the chain gang, command lead, the long line and birds, birds, birds. The one big bonus for the pups on this group session is that they are building prey drive by watching the other pups work through the field and seeing the birds fly in front of them from each pup that is working.

We look forward to meeting you!
Contact us with any questions at 410-836-1800 or by clicking the link below.